As a senior developer with over 16 years of experience, I have worked with a variety of web developm...
I had a bad experience with the Mac Ventura upgrade, After the upgrade was completed, I ran the "va...
I first used Laravel Nova back in 2018 or 2019. Then in 2021, I had another chance to meet Laravel...
I have a developer group on Facebook with over 9000 developers. It was time to create a website f...
If you try to get Auth::user() inside Laravel -> Controller -> __construct, it will return null. Th...
First you need to activate 2-Step Verification and create app password. I am writing below how to do...
PHP Artisan gives us many opportunities. We can create model by typing: # php artisan make:model...
It's simple to install, just run code below: # composer require barryvdh/laravel-debugbar Also,...
Short answer is use code below: {!!nl2br($item->text)!!}
If you are reading my blog, there is a big chance you already know I am developing websites, applica...