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Comparing Browser Testing vs. Endpoint Testing

Comparing Browser Testing vs. Endpoint Testing

Rashad Mirza Apr 6, 2022

What is Browser Testing?

Browser testing ensures that a website or web application works as expected in a given browser.
We use tools like Selenium or PhantomJS to simulate users' actions inside the browser.

What is Browser Testing Pros?

- Simulates exactly how a user would interact with the application.
- Confidence that the application is working end-to-end.

What is Browser Testing Cons?

- If you need to execute JavaScript, you need to introduce a new tool to your stack, like Selenium or PhantomJS.
- Can often break due to UI changes.
- Can't interact with code directly; needs to make assertions through the UI.
- Browser Testing is slower.

What is Endpoint Testing?

In Endpoint testing, we are making HTTP requests directly to an endpoint.
Instead of how the user would interact with our app, endpoint testing simulates how the browser would interact with our server.

What is Endpoint Testing Pros?

- Doesn't require additional tools.
- Can interact directly with code, more flexible assertions.
- Won't break due to the UI changes. More stable.

What is Endpoint Testing Cons?

- Will give us an untested gap between the front-end and back-end.

Which One Should I Use?

It will always depend on your situation and what you expect from your tests.
But, considering both testing methods' pros and cons, I should admit that, Endpoint testing seems to be the winner here!
Endpoint testing is faster, reliable, simple, and gives you confidence!